212 PHASCOLOMtlD.ffi. Skull Dimensions of Phaseolarctus cinereus. Sex : d. a. aged. adult. specimen Aee 149 88 48 43 29 25 80 39 23-3 6-7 47-6 102 214 7-4 24-5 13-2 128 75 39 38'5 23-5 25-6 67 36 20-5 6-3 44 84 191 7-5 21-7 14 Constriction, breadtli Palate length inside m.^ Palatal foramen Sasi-cranial axis Basi-facial axis. .. Facial index Teeth—horizontal length of p.* length of ms ^"^ . i. Family III, PHASCOLOMYIDtE, Diprotodont Marsupials, adapted for a fossorial rhizophagous life. Body stout and clumsy. Limbs subequal, very thick and strong. Pore feet -with flve subequal toes, each with a stout digging-claw; hind feet with a short naiUess hallux and four well-developed toes, the second and third showing a slight tendency towards syndactyly; aU four with long curved claws. Tail rudimentary. Stomach simple, but with a cardiac gland. Caecum present, short, provided with an appendix vermiformis. Pouch present. Dentition -.—I. C, M. x2=24. AU the teeth rootless, with persistent pulps. Incisors large and strong, the enamel restricted to their front and lateral surfaces. The single premolar smaU, single-lobed, close to the molars. Molars bilobed, strongly curved, their convexity internal above, external below. Tooth-change aborted; mUk-p.* absent, or at least not yet discovered; if ever present, shed or absorbed in infancy. Bullae imperfect, open behind, their anterior waU formed by a downwardly projecting process of the squamosal, instead of by the alisphenoid as usual. Range. AustraUan Region, south of the Tropics,